We need your support for opening a new website! Please consider making a small donation that pays for a new domain name, web server
hosting, bandwidth, software license on one of our computer systems, electrical power. The new domain name is 'Beit Dina' (beitdina.net) or the 'House of Analysis'
and the activity of our the new website is designed as a international institute of biblical archeology and lingustic research
social that rolls projects in acient manuscripts and ancient languages. The sit is designed as a interactive portal service for a social public comunity that allows members to Download Bible Modules made
from our authors, to be involve in Transcription and in Translation of
the Ancient Bible Text in many European Union and other unions languages providing You
easy-to-use tools with witch You can help us with our proposed
projects, providing ways to buy a subcription for a printed version,
providing ways to purcase translations of ancient manuscripts in Your
language, providing school books for teachers and children to teach and
learn ancient languages such as Aramaic in over 15 languages.
![]() To beggin having ancient manuscripts in digital format on your device simply start by downloading the latest package of MySword directly on your SmartPhone or Tablet from MySword Downloads or from Google Play or by downloading e-Sword from e-Sword Downloads to Your PC, or from Google Play. Then You can download, read, and use, more Bible Modules on SmartPhones, Tablets and on PCs. You can create your own studies, notes, You can give us feedback about our modules, and about our translations, and You can be involved in dictionaries and translations into Your language. |
![]() Our Proposal Planned Projects start with: Transliterated Bible, Mechanical Translation, Dead Sead Scrolls (Abr: DSS or qumran), and `Masoretic Manuscripts`. The First two Projects `Transliterated Bible` and `Mechanical Translation` have the purpose to bring in our modern languages the original Ancient Text of Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, Khabouris Codex, Sinaiticus Codex, and of some Qumran Death Sea Scrolls. Inactive Projects of our researchers: Mesianic Bible, Mesianic Torah, and `Messianic Feasts`. Active Projects at the end of year 2020:
Another project is a book so called "Manual of Aramaic for Begginers Level I", an Aramaic Gramar Book that starts with an Introduction to Aramaic Language and continues with the Study of the Consonants in 24 Lessons with exercises in witch words have vectorial images associated - that require time to be drawn in InkScape, then the book continues with The Aramaic Vovels and Composition or Conversation Lessions. This work is supported by users and You can contribue for a chapter using a PayPal button bellow or by reading a sample online ( Manual_Aramaic_First_Class_en-uk.pdf ) and contacting the autor with sugestions ( e-mail: orynider@rdslink.ro ).
And our website doesn''t just stop there, we will expand our website''s
functions that you can find more transliterations
and custom made dictionaries by us and fellow-coleags alike, tested modules, fully working and ready to go.
Not only that you will be able to download our modules but in near future You will be able to make a special donation for a printed edition and after a number of items for donators and for the National Library are reserved in a category You will be able to direct purcase in same category printed editions in Your language that we can deliver to You via mail-post. |
Our Bible Modules already cover
some languages !
Our first project 'Transliterated Bible' was started in English and
other foreign languages and You can download some of the modules such
as PeshittaEN, PeshittaES, PeshittaRO, or as LeningradEN, LeningradES,
etc., by us and fellow-coleags, from our website''s Download Manager or
similar modules online at Bible Support Website (in 'Bibles' and
'Foreign Language Bibles' categories) and/or from the Bible Sotfware
Developer`s Website. Search Florin-Ciprian Bodin`s Content
If You fail to donate via PayPal please let me by writing a message at orynider @rdslink.ro or @gmail.com :|
We are thankful that You consider supporting our activity with a donation because your donations encorage us to continue and strengthen our efforts for the establiment of the international institute.
Donation for a new domain name, dedicated server hosting, bandwidth, security, and software license on one of our PCs. Romanian Development Bank - GROUPE SOCIETE GENERALE IBAN Code: RO76BRDE020SV80123430200Please consider helping us keep our contributions alive! Donation for the 'Transliterated Bible' with dictionaries for every language.
Donation for the raw 'Mechanical Translation' of every codex with no titles and no chapter names.
The Team. |