[2019]Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in Israel

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in Israel in year 2019

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[2019]Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in Israel

Post by FlorinCB »

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in Israel in 2019:
https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/ ... -2019.html
1) The pilgrimage road opens in Jerusalem (underground street) - John 9: 7;

2) Kiriath Iearim is identified as Emmaus (6 miles from Jerusalem) - 1 Samuel 7: 1-2; Luke 24: 13-34;

3) A seal of "Natan-Melech, the king's servant" - 586 BC - 2 Kings 23:11;

4) A seal "Belongs to Adonyiah, Royal Coupler" - 7th century BC

5) A seal "It belongs to Ga'aliahu the son of Immer" 1 Chronicles 24:14; Jeremiah 20: 1-2;

6) Mosaic with bread and fish - 450 e.n.

7) Goliath's wall at Gat at Tel es-Safi - XI century BC

8) Corner of the Altar -1 Kings 2:28

9) Edomites used advanced techniques standardized over 3000 years ago. copper mining. (sec. 11 BC) - Genesis 36:31;

10) Philistines had European ancestry

11) The seals extracted from the city of Ashkelon confirm Jeremiah 47: 4 and Amos 9: 7 where he writes that the Philistines came from Caftor identified with Crete where the Minoan civilization was

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