Welcome and Thank You
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:52 pm
The domain name is 'Beit Dina' http://beitdina.net/ or the 'House of Analysis' and the activity of our the new website is designed as a international institute of biblical archaeology and linguistic research social that rolls projects in acient manuscripts and ancient languages. The sit is designed as a interactive portal service for a social public community that allows members to Download Bible Modules made from our authors, to be involve in Transcription and in Translation of the Ancient Bible Text in many European Union and other unions languages providing You easy-to-use tools with witch You can help us with our proposed projects, providing ways to buy a subscription for a printed version, providing ways to purcase translations of ancient manuscripts in Your language, providing school books for teachers and children to teach and learn ancient languages such as Aramaic in over 15 languages.
The found need is 36 USD for the plan that allows hosting two domains including a bank taxe. We need to raise 15 USD and you can donate even 1 USD at http://paypal.me/orynider
Situl are numele 'Beit Dina' http://beitdina.net/ sau 'Casa Analizei' şi activitatea domeniului este designată ca un institut internațional de arheologie biblică care derulează proiecte în manuscrise antice şi limbi antice. Situl este designat ca un serviciu de portal interactiv pentru o comunitate socială publică ce permite membrilor să descarce module biblice făcute de cercetători independenți care lucrează non-profit şi voluntari, care se implică în transcripție şi în traducere a textului antic al Bibliei în multe limbi, din Uniunea Europeană şi alte uniuni, furnizându-vă unelte ușor de utilizat şi pentru asistență cu proiectele noastre propuse, cu moduri de cumpărare a unor traduceri a manuscriselor antice în format tipărit, cu modul de cumpărare a unor materiale didactice de predare a unor limbi antice ca de exemplu manuale şcolare pentru limba arameică în peste 15 limbi în format tipărit şi în format electronic.
Avem nevoie de încă 15 USD şi puteţi dona chiar 1 USD la http://paypal.me/orynider
Am avea nevoie de 36 USD pentru un pan de găzduire care permite două domenii web şi include o taxă bancară.
Please consider making a small donation that pays for web server hosting.
Thank You for your supporting us with a small donation that pays for a new domain name, web server hosting, bandwidth, software license on one of our computer systems or just with preying for us. The new domain name is 'Beit Dina' (beitdina.net) or the 'House of Analysis' and the new website is designed as a interactive portal service to a online social network that allows the users to Download Bible Modules made from our authors, to be involve in Transcription and in Translation of the Ancient Bible Text in many foreign languages providing You easy-to-use tools with witch You can help us with our proposed projects, providing ways to buy a subscription for a printed version, providing ways to purchase translations of ancient manuscripts in Your language, providing school books for teachers and children to teach and learn ancient languages such as Aramaic in over 15 languages.
Our Proposal Planned Projects start with: Transliterated Bible, Mechanical Translation, Messianic Bible, and `Messianic Feasts` Book. The First two Projects `Transliterated Bible` and `Mechanical Translation` have the purpose to bring in our modern languages the original Ancient Text of Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, Khabouris Codex, Sinaiticus Codex, and of some Qumran Death Sea Scrolls.
Active Projects at the end of year 2019
1). Ancient Text Translations:
[td] http://www.beitdina.net/aleppo/[/td]
[td] http://www.beitdina.net/qumran/ [/td]
You can follow the links and read the chapters interlinear with the original ancient text transcription.
2) Aramaic School Book
Another project is a school book so called "The Aramaic First Class Book", an Aramaic Class Book that starts with an Introduction to Aramaic Language and continues with the Study of the Consonants in 24 Lessons with exercises in witch words have scalar vectorial images associated - that require time to be drawn in InkScape, then the book continues with The Aramaic Vovels and Composition or Conversation Lessons. This work is supported by users and You can contribute for a chapter using a PayPal button bellow or by reading a sample online ( Draft_Sample_First_Class_Aramaic_School_Book_in_English.pdf ) and contacting the author with suggestions ( e-mail: orynider@rdslink.ro ).
At this time we started working at the school book in Romanian language and when is ready we will provide a draft or sample in English and other languages.
And our website doesn't just stop there, we will expand our website`s functions that you can find more transliterations and custom made dictionaries by us and fellow-colleagues alike, tested modules, fully working and ready to go.
Have fun!
The found need is 36 USD for the plan that allows hosting two domains including a bank taxe. We need to raise 15 USD and you can donate even 1 USD at http://paypal.me/orynider
Situl are numele 'Beit Dina' http://beitdina.net/ sau 'Casa Analizei' şi activitatea domeniului este designată ca un institut internațional de arheologie biblică care derulează proiecte în manuscrise antice şi limbi antice. Situl este designat ca un serviciu de portal interactiv pentru o comunitate socială publică ce permite membrilor să descarce module biblice făcute de cercetători independenți care lucrează non-profit şi voluntari, care se implică în transcripție şi în traducere a textului antic al Bibliei în multe limbi, din Uniunea Europeană şi alte uniuni, furnizându-vă unelte ușor de utilizat şi pentru asistență cu proiectele noastre propuse, cu moduri de cumpărare a unor traduceri a manuscriselor antice în format tipărit, cu modul de cumpărare a unor materiale didactice de predare a unor limbi antice ca de exemplu manuale şcolare pentru limba arameică în peste 15 limbi în format tipărit şi în format electronic.
Avem nevoie de încă 15 USD şi puteţi dona chiar 1 USD la http://paypal.me/orynider
Am avea nevoie de 36 USD pentru un pan de găzduire care permite două domenii web şi include o taxă bancară.
Please consider making a small donation that pays for web server hosting.
Thank You for your supporting us with a small donation that pays for a new domain name, web server hosting, bandwidth, software license on one of our computer systems or just with preying for us. The new domain name is 'Beit Dina' (beitdina.net) or the 'House of Analysis' and the new website is designed as a interactive portal service to a online social network that allows the users to Download Bible Modules made from our authors, to be involve in Transcription and in Translation of the Ancient Bible Text in many foreign languages providing You easy-to-use tools with witch You can help us with our proposed projects, providing ways to buy a subscription for a printed version, providing ways to purchase translations of ancient manuscripts in Your language, providing school books for teachers and children to teach and learn ancient languages such as Aramaic in over 15 languages.
Our Proposal Planned Projects start with: Transliterated Bible, Mechanical Translation, Messianic Bible, and `Messianic Feasts` Book. The First two Projects `Transliterated Bible` and `Mechanical Translation` have the purpose to bring in our modern languages the original Ancient Text of Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, Khabouris Codex, Sinaiticus Codex, and of some Qumran Death Sea Scrolls.
Active Projects at the end of year 2019
1). Ancient Text Translations:
[/td][td] http://www.beitdina.net/aleppo/[/td]
Khaboris & Crawford (Aramaic Peshitta)
[/td][td] http://www.beitdina.net/qumran/ [/td]
You can follow the links and read the chapters interlinear with the original ancient text transcription.
2) Aramaic School Book
Another project is a school book so called "The Aramaic First Class Book", an Aramaic Class Book that starts with an Introduction to Aramaic Language and continues with the Study of the Consonants in 24 Lessons with exercises in witch words have scalar vectorial images associated - that require time to be drawn in InkScape, then the book continues with The Aramaic Vovels and Composition or Conversation Lessons. This work is supported by users and You can contribute for a chapter using a PayPal button bellow or by reading a sample online ( Draft_Sample_First_Class_Aramaic_School_Book_in_English.pdf ) and contacting the author with suggestions ( e-mail: orynider@rdslink.ro ).
At this time we started working at the school book in Romanian language and when is ready we will provide a draft or sample in English and other languages.
And our website doesn't just stop there, we will expand our website`s functions that you can find more transliterations and custom made dictionaries by us and fellow-colleagues alike, tested modules, fully working and ready to go.
Have fun!